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What is Pilates?Pilates targets the deep postural muscles, building strength from the inside out, rebalancing the body and bringing it into correct alignment. It helps to reshape your body, which will become longer, leaner and more toned. It will also improve your posture, achieving the perfect balance between strength and flexibility, and it is a great way to relieve unwanted stress and tension. Perfect for athletes looking to enhance their performance and avoid the risk of injury, it is also ideal for first-time exercisers. Osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors and general practitioners recommend Pilates as one of the safest forms of exercise today. With a focus on precise movement, low reps and mindful movement, Pilates is low impact exercise which can be adapted to suit all levels of fitness. It is especially recommended by medical specialists for those with back problems.
What are the principles of pilates?Concentration: Pilates is both mental and physical conditioning. It requires constant awareness of the movement process. You must be mindful of your body and its movements, being consciously aware of this helps you to achieve precise movement, which is imperative to Pilates. Relaxation: Focusing on releasing areas of tension before and during exercise is important as it allows constructive change to occur. The mind begins to relax as conscious thought is focused purely on the task of moving correctly. Over-dominant muscle recruitment patterns will continue unless time is taken to release areas of tension and overuse. Relaxation of overactive muscles through concise controlled movement will enable less active muscles to be recruited and strengthened. Alignment: Good alignment is key to stability. You will be encouraged to recognise and correct skeletal alignment. Correct alignment while exercising is key to safety and functional movement.It is necessary for all the joints of the body to be correctly aligned in order to encourage the desired muscles to work efficiently. Breathing: The breathing patterns of each exercise are essential to facilitate the movement and aid stability. Synchronising the breath to movements can help the mind to relax and focus. Pilates teaches lateral thoracic breathing - encouraging the expansion of the lower ribs and into the sides of the back. Centring (Core Stability): Core stability is the ability to maintain control of the position of the pelvis, spine, shoulders and head, in order to provide a stable base of support from which all movement is initiated. Centring relates to limiting any unwanted movement as well as maintaining control and flow of the movement. Precision: Pilates is not about doing many repetitions poorly or with poor technique. Rather Pilates aims for precise and perfect movement with lower reps. With regular Pilates and expert instruction this precision will eventually become second nature and carry over into everyday life.
What will Pilates do for me?It will make you very aware of your body and how you use it every day. We constantly abuse our bodies by standing or sitting incorrectly allowing postural muscles to become underused and superficial muscles to do jobs they weren't designed for, causing all sorts of problems as we progress through life. Stress or emotional upheaval can cause muscles to lock up and cause pain. The relaxing nature of a Pilates class will help to undo some of this tension. It will reshape your body, improve your flexibility, increase core strength, tone and lengthen muscles and fix any postural issues.
What should I wear?Any comfortable, stretchy sports wear such a t-shirt / vest and leggings / tracksuit bottoms. Please try to wear tops which are reasonably close fitting so that I can observe the movement of your spine. You can be barefoot or wear socks.
Do I need to bring my own equipment to class?Please bring your own mat and a bottle of water.
Do I need to do anything before attending a class?Upon booking, I will send you a PAR-Q Form (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire). This will inform me of your health and lifestyle along with any medical conditions which will help me to determine your exercise programme, and whether you may need to seek medical consent before undertaking Pilates. This form must be returned at least 24 hours before the session takes place.
Is there a cancellation policy?Block Bookings & Drop Ins: Refunds and carry overs to another term are not offered. However, if you cancel a class I may be able to offer you a Catch Up place in another class during the same block. This is providing: - You have have cancelled your session online with a min. of 24 hours notice - You are booked onto a current block of classes Please note Catch Up class is subject to availability. To attend a Catch Up class, please text me on the day of the class you want to attend to ensure there is space. If I cancel a class, I will reimburse or carry over the full cost of the single class. One to One / Duo: If you cancel a class with less than 24 hours notice, you will incur full payment of the session fee. If you cancel before the 24 hour cut off, I can will offer you another slot across the same week (subject to availability).
How to bookPlease visit the 'Group Classes' page on this website. Here you can click on the 'Book Now' button to view the full schedule of classes and book your place.
How many people are in a class?A maximum of 14 participants in each class to allow me to work closely with each client, ensuring they are working at a level specifically suited to their own need and ability, not to mention working safely and effectively.
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